

I had the privilege of suggesting a book for the article, “The 20 Best Mental Health Books To Cope With Whatever Life Throws At You,” in the WOMEN’S HEALTH MAGAZINE published on May 1, 2023. The link is:

 20 Best Mental Health Books

Learn Simple, yet very Effective Words, Actions, and Commonsense Wisdom from:

2020 Three-Time National Award-Winning book, Simple Habits for Marital Happiness, available at:  Christian Book   Crosslink Publishing  ConcordiaPublishingHouse   Focus on the Family   Amazon

2021 Two-Time National Award-Winning book, Simple Habits for Effective Parenting, available at: Christian Book   Crosslink Publishing  ConcordiaPublishingHouse  Focus on the Family   Amazon

I encourage you to check out the 60+ videos on Dr. Randy Schroeder - YouTube Channel.

God’s richest blessings on your life and relationships!

Dr. Randy Schroeder


Please check out my YouTube Channel, Dr. Randy Schroeder with a NEW YouTube video, THE 3 BEST TIPS FOR A POSITIVE ATTITUDE DURING COVID!!!

In this video, learn 3 fantastic tips for a positive attitude during COVID. I help you understand the 3 terrific skills that make a tremendous difference in successfully developing a positive attitude with an optimistic outlook during the pandemic.

Please also check out my YouTube Video, HOW TO BEAT DEPRESSION!!!

Will you please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel, share my channel with friends and family, and comment on what helpful videos you would like to watch in the future?  I really appreciate your help and time!

Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and Simple Habits for Effective Parenting are available on Amazon or CrossLinkPublishing.com

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of individuals, spouses, and parents about the simple, yet very effective habits, that are essential for a fulfilling life and rewarding relationships.

God’s richest blessings on your life and relationships in 2022!

To learn more please see my website at www.DrRandySchroeder.com and please check out my YouTube Channel: Dr. Randy Schroeder

Randy Schroeder, Ph.D., M.Div., M.Ed.

Schroeder Counseling & Consulting, Inc.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church

4850 East Main Street

Carmel, IN 46033



I found the article shown below very important for 2020 and significantly beneficial for everyone!

Dr. Randy Schroeder, author of SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS: Practical Skills And Tools That Build A Strong SATISFYING RELATIONSHIP


On your 14th birthday, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday. 22 million people perish in that war.

Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 20th birthday. 50 million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million.

On your 29th birthday, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, the World GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33.

The country nearly collapses along with the world economy.

When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. And don’t try to catch your breath. 

On your 41st birthday, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war.

At 50, the Korean War starts. 5 million perish.

At 55 the Vietnam War begins and doesn’t end for 20 years. 4 million people perish in that conflict.

On your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, should have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening.

When you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends.

Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. 

How do you survive all of that?

When you were a kid in 1985 and didn’t think your 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was.

And how mean that kid in your class was.  Grandparents surely couldn’t understand your hardships!  

Yet those born in 1900 survived through everything listed above and more, since during parts of their lives there were no treatments or cures for bacterial infections, polio, diabetes and cancer, among other diseases.  

And unlike today, during the Spanish Flu pandemic for example, the rapid development of sophisticated diagnostic tests, treatments and a vaccine were unthinkable.  

Perspective is an amazing art, refined as time goes on, and enlightening like you wouldn’t believe. 

Let’s try and keep things in perspective.

——Author unknown

Please spread the word about SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS with your family members, friends, and contacts in ways that are most comfortable for you: through emails, on Facebook, Twitter - @Dr_Randy_S,  and Instagram

Please also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website, www.DrRandySchroeder.com,  for future emails. 



Fifteen Ways To Be Mentally Strong During This Virus Challenge

Fifteen Ways To Be Mentally Strong During This Virus Challenge

1.         START YOUR DAY WITH AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE.  Every morning, whether little or big, find three things you are grateful for in life. 

2.         START YOUR DAY WITH POSITIVE SELF-TALK. Positive self-talk provides self-confidence and energy to enjoy each minute of the day.  A great self-talk statement is, “I can and I will today with everything I do!” 

3.         COMMUNICATE WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE.  Positive individuals have a healthy outlook on life even in the midst of challenges like COVID-19. Positive individuals are encouraging, upbeat and think about possibilities, rarely focusing on negativity.  Plus, positive people will bring out the best in you, not increase stress within you! 

4.         GREAT NEWS! YOU HAVE COPING METHODS FROM PAST CRISES.  Think of past personal or societal crises.  Identify what you thought, said, or did to cope and handle those crises and implement those coping skills and tools today. 

5.         LIFE CAN AND WILL CHANGE VERY QUICKLY.  Nothing lasts forever.  This virus is serious BUT THIS TOO WILL PASS!!!  The clouds always blow by and the sun will shine again! 

6.         DON’T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE BIG PICTURE.  Life is a video not a photograph.  This challenge will probably last three to four months BUT it is not our life story nor is it the United States life story.  The United States will rebound just like after 9-11 and you will rebound again as well.   

7.         ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR DREAMS AND FOCUS DAILY ON YOUR GOALS.  This virus challenge is only a temporary setback in life so keep setting powerful goals that are achievable.  Daily take small steps toward your minor and major goals!

8.         MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY.  Attaining enough sleep helps make you mentally tough.  When you are fully rested you are more focused on solutions and also more energized for the day. 

9.         POSITIVE BOOKS, PODCASTS, MUSIC, ETC.  Read or listen to books that can positively impact your mind and listen to podcasts or music that will lift your emotions not drag them down.  Don’t let any negative be planted in your mind!

10.       FREQUENTLY LAUGH.  Perhaps have a laughter night with comedy TV shows or movies.  Laughter is free and removes stress from daily living. 

11.       BE A CAN-DO, TAKE ACTION PERSON. A crisis often creates emotional paralysis.  Action conquers fear!!!  Look this fear or any fear straight in the face and take action today with relationships and activities.  Always stay in the present and focus on what is within your control. 

12.       DON’T BE A NEWS JUNKIE.  Go on a “news fast” for a period of time because news primarily concentrates on various forms of negativity.  In addition, the news often makes you feel the world is headed downhill fast. 

13.       EXERCISE.  The greatest combatant to stress is exercise.  When you exercise do it outside in the fresh air.  Walking outside allows for social distancing and at the same time makes a huge difference in your emotional well-being. 

14.       TAKE A SHOWER EVERY MORNING.  A morning shower seems to wash away negative emotions and can help jumpstart your day.  A “splash” of cold water to your head at the end of a shower can also provide a positive shock to your mood. 

15.       MAINTAIN A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Always remember, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.  TODAY YOU CAN AND YOU WILL HAVE POSITIVE REACTIONS TO THIS CHALLENGE!!!

Please share with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, church members, etc. on Facebook, Twitter - @Dr_Randy_S, and Instagram

Please also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website, www.DrRandySchroeder.com,  for future emails. 

SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS – Practical Skills and Tools That Build a Strong SATISFYING RELATIONSHIP will make a nice gift for married friends, children, grandchildren, parents, and other family members. 


Book Video Trailer: https://crosslinkpublishing.com/shop/simple-habits-for-marital-happiness/













This is a repeat from December 2018. For Christians, celebrating Christ’s birth can be a time of great joy.  However the holidays can also be a time of stress, sadness, and even depressing at times.  Some people may be experiencing financial difficulties, grieving the loss of a loved one, missing a military member, in the midst of a divorce, feeling lonely, going through family struggles, etc.  Battle the holiday blues through the 12 ways shown below.

1.         Pray daily.  Thank God for His many blessings, pray for those who are ill, pray for the leaders of our nation, pray for family and friends, and just simply have regular prayer for the needs of others. 

2.         Make sleep a priority.  Get plenty of sleep each night in order to have energy for each day.

3.         Eliminate the news.  Most news is negative and can create feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.  Cut out the news for a healthy period of time.

 4.         Always have a lot of light.  Light combats the darkness of depression.  Increase the wattage of lights, open the curtains, etc. but do whatever it takes to be in the light.

5.         Take time to unwind. Being busy much of the time is not healthy.  Find quiet alone time for yourself and with those who mean the most to you.

6.         Respect your Christmas budget.  Overspending can be stressful and can quickly take the joy out of life.

7.         Write a thank you note.  Express written appreciation to someone who influenced you, helped you in the past, been an encouragement, an excellent role model, etc.

8.         Watch a comedy.  The holidays have enough drama so avoid “downer” shows.  Take time to watch a comedy television program or movie, a feel-good Christmas film, etc.

9.         Remember to Exercise and Eat healthy.  The blues can lead to not eating, overeating, and emotional paralysis to do nothing but sit or stay in bed.  Have a well-balanced diet and eat three meals a day.  Exercise for ten minutes three to four times per week. 

10.       Sing Christmas songs out loud.  It is literally true that we are happy when we sing.  So we can actually sing aloud to become happy. 

11.       Associate with positive people.  Like attracts like. If you hang around critical, negative, or complaining individuals, you will sponge up those emotions and develop that attitude.  Hence, you want to associate with encouraging, positive, optimistic, and upbeat people to combat the blues. 

12.       Give meaningful gifts.  The very best gifts are absolutely not financial!  When we give even small gifts to others we lift our mood.  Give significant yet simple gifts like: your time, praise, a smile, a hug, a thankful heart, a listening ear, a zestful or fun spirit, etc. 

Please share on Facebook, Twitter - @Dr_Randy_S, and InstagramPlease also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website, www.DrRandySchroeder.com,  for future newletters.  See past blog posts under SIMPLE HABITS for Marriage, Parenting, and Life

SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS – Practical Skills and Tools That Build a Strong SATISFYING RELATIONSHIP, released March 2020 on Amazon -  https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Habits-Marital-Happiness-Relationship/dp/1633571750 will make a great gift for married friends, children, grandchildren, parents, and other family members.