As parents, we want our children to develop character and faith, but many of us aren’t exactly sure how to help them do that. Dr. Schroeder gives sound, timeless advice from the Bible on ways you can help your child become the person God created them to be.
Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
““Simple Habits for Effective Parenting” provides 90 excellent Biblically-based tips for parents as they guide their children in becoming responsible and capable adults. Dr. Schroeder’s experience in counseling shines through this book offering practical ideas in seven main areas of parenting.”
“The basis of our cultural problems is family breakdown. Children are growing up without adequate parenting, struggling the rest of their lives for purpose and direction. What a blessing this book is for today!
Following Dr. Schroeder’s Simple Habits can develop healthy character formation. Key to good parenting is 1) Uplifting atmosphere of love and respect; 2) Loving, firm boundaries with consistency; 3) Openness, honesty and everyone working together; and 4) Security of knowing God’s presence. You are right on target, Randy, with this practical book!”
“Dr. Schroeder provides families with what they need most: practical, Christ-centered, easy-to-implement, Biblical direction for effective family life. His heart for family success is evident, and his passion to offer effective parenting tools shines through his writing. “Simple Habits for Effective Parenting” will bring you joy and confidence as you travel the sacred journey of being a mother or father.”
“Dr. Schroeder’s newest book, “Simple Habits for Effective Parenting”, is a wonderful handbook to help parents who truly desire to raise their children with solid Biblical Christian values to help them become confident and faith-filled Christian adults in a world with an abundance of mixed messages. Filled with time-tested, useable, and practical Scriptural wisdom, the counsel of this guide will prove beneficial to any parent or grandparent who loves their children, regardless of their level of experience. Dr. Schroeder has provided an indispensable and handy manual a parent will want to regularly consult and put into practice for the sake of their children, and for the good of our future!”
“Although it may not seem possible, parenting seems to get more and more challenging with every new generation. After 37 years in the ministry of secondary education I have witnessed this constantly evolving challenge! Thankfully, there are resources for parents to help navigate through the journey of raising children. Dr. Schroeder offers incredible insight into many of the most common challenges that parents encounter with their children. Dr. Schroeder’s wisdom comes from his vast experience in shaping the lives of not only his own sons but the lives of countless teenagers.
As one of his former students, I now look back with admiration and appreciation for having a teacher and coach who expected the best from his students and players. “Coach” Schroeder genuinely cared about students and ultimately had a powerful impact on my life and helped shape the way I look at my role in the lives of young people.
Through his book, “Simple Habits for Effective Parenting”, Dr. Schroeder offers guidance on many specific issues that parents face in raising their children. His presentation of effective methods within the realm of education is especially insightful. ”
“Dr. Schroeder’s newest work is a great follow up to his initial, “Simple Habits for Marital Happiness”. While many parenting books begin with the desired outcome and work backward toward attitude and behavior, he intentionally begins with the foundation for effective parenting established in the love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness of our God and builds from there.
As both a parent and grandparent I deeply appreciate his application that accommodates generational attention to principles that have life application. Assuming our own fallibilities, he encourages us to live the forgiven life as examples toward raising responsible decision makers offering practical examples for day-to-day parenting. The book is not crafted as a textbook but, through a series of lessons, as a reference manual to be consulted again and again for effective practices in order to ‘train up a child in the way that they should go’ through effective parenting. Generations will be blessed by this work.”