Practical Wisdom For M...


I joined Jim Daly, President, and John Fuller, Vice President for a Focus on the Family national broadcast interview to discuss Simple Habits to Embrace in Your Marriage with an air date tomorrow Friday, January 7, 2022.

Simple Habits for Marital Happiness is a 2020 three-time national award-winning Christian marriage book that provides practical specific words, behaviors, and guidance in the 7 major areas of a relationship to help every couple achieve a strong satisfying marriage.

Effective Habits to Embrace in Parenting was selected by Focus on the Family as the Best Parenting Interview for 2021 and was aired again on Friday, December 31. The interview is also on YouTube at

The Focus on the Family daily broadcast is heard by more than 6.3 million listeners a week on more than 2,000 radio stations across the U.S.

Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and Simple Habits for Effective Parenting are available on Amazon,, or

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of spouses and parents about the simple, yet very effective habits, that are essential for fulfilling, rewarding relationships.

God’s richest blessings on your life and relationships in 2022!

To learn more please see my website at and check out my YouTube Channel: Dr. Randy Schroeder

 Randy Schroeder, Ph.D., M.Div., M.Ed.

Schroeder Counseling & Consulting, Inc.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church

4850 East Main Street

Carmel, IN 46033



Effective Habits to Embrace in Parenting was selected by Focus on the Family as the best parenting interview for 2021 and will be aired again this Friday, December 31. This interview is also on YouTube at

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is the only guidebook that covers the 7 significant aspects of parenting a child to become a self-confident, self-motivated, and responsible Godly person in life and school. Every parent will now feel capable and encouraged to effectively lead a child to have a fulfilling Godly life.  

Life and Relationship Lessons on DR. RANDY SCHROEDER YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!

Through my YouTube videos I will help you have a fulfilling life, healthy rewarding relationships, and supportive friendships by sharing specific practical words, behaviors, and knowledge that will make a positive difference for every aspect of your life.

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of spouses and parents about the simple, yet very effective habits, that are essential for fulfilling, rewarding relationships.

Have a Joyous New Year!

To learn more please visit my website at

Randy Schroeder, Ph.D., M.Div., M.Ed.

Schroeder Counseling & Consulting, Inc.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church

4850 East Main Street

Carmel, IN 46033



Simple Habits for Marital Happiness is the only Christian marriage book that provides practical specific words, behaviors, and guidance in the 7 major areas of a relationship to help every couple achieve a strong satisfying marriage. This 2020 three-time national award-winning book will make a positive difference for improving and strengthening the marriages of family members, friends, neighbors, and fellow believers at your church.  

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is the only Christian guidebook that covers the 7 significant aspects of parenting a child to become a self-confident, self-motivated, and responsible Godly person in life and school. Every parent will now feel capable and encouraged to effectively lead a child to have a fulfilling Godly life.   

Effective Habits to Embrace in Parenting was selected by Focus on the Family as the best parenting interview for 2021 and will be aired again on Friday, December 31. The interview is also on YouTube at

Recently, I joined Jim Daly, President, and John Fuller, Vice President for a Focus on the Family national broadcast interview to discuss Simple Habits for Marital Happiness with an air date of Friday, January 7, 2022.

Available on Amazon,, or

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of spouses and parents about the simple, yet very effective habits, that are essential for fulfilling, rewarding relationships.

Have a Very Blessed Christmas and Joyous New Year in the Lord!

To learn more please see my website at

Randy Schroeder, Ph.D., M.Div., M.Ed.

Schroeder Counseling & Consulting, Inc.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church

4850 East Main Street

Carmel, IN 46033





On Friday, November 19, I had the privilege of speaking to the Fishers ROTARY Club on the topic, COMMUNICATION: THE KEY TO REWARDING RELATIONSHIPS.

Rotary Club of Fishers (

Shown below are the essentials for EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION that I shared at my ROTARY presentation. 

WHAT To Communicate

WHAT To Avoid In Communication

WHEN To Communicate

WHERE To Communicate

HOW To Communicate

Desire for EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION is never enough, individuals must possess practical specific words, behaviors, and guidelines. Practical specific EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION knowledge for enhancing relationships can be found in my 2 books shown below. 

2020 SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS:  Practical Skills and Tools That Build a Strong Satisfying Relationship - Three-time national award-winning book

2021 SIMPLE HABITS FOR EFFECTIVE PARENTING:  Specific Skills and Tools That Achieve Extraordinary Results in Raising a Child

MARITAL HAPPINESS and EFFECTIVE PARENTING are available on Amazon and at

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of spouses and parents about the simple yet effective habits that are essential for healthy relationships.




By asking 2 terrific questions twice a year, every spouse can grow personally while enhancing their marital relationship.

1st What would I like about being married to myself?

2nd What would I dislike about being married to myself?

Once you identify what you “like” about being married to yourself, overcome the dreaded disease of complacency by daily implementing those positive words and behaviors to keep strengthening your marital relationship. 

In terms of what you “dislike” about being married to yourself, become a can-do take action person by improving at least 1% per week to grow personally and strengthen your marital relationship.

The three-time national award-winning Simple Habits for Marital Happiness covers all seven major areas of a marriage and provides spouses with the practical specific words, behaviors, and guidelines that make a positive difference for every marriage. 

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is a comprehensive guidebook that covers the seven main aspects of parenting to help a child reach their full potential with self-motivation, self-confidence, and good decision-making skills.

Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and Simple Habits for Effective Parenting are both available at Amazon and at

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of spouses and parents about the simple yet effective habits that are essential for healthy relationships.





With all the negative news including the pandemic, it is extremely important to develop a positive attitude each day!  One simple, effective way is to have a daily goal to overcome negative thoughts.  Starting today, do the following: 

1.  Begin each day by saying out loud: “This is the day that God has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!”  Psalm 118:24

2.  When you arise start every day with prayer – say the Lord’s Prayer out loud along with other prayers or at a minimum say “thought” prayers. 

3.  Say out loud: “Today with God’s help, I can and I will, I can and I will, I can and I will.” 

4.  “Love your neighbor as yourself” by saying something encouraging to everyone you speak with, email, or text.

5.  Say out loud or even write down in a journal three things you are grateful for. 

Unhealthy thoughts are the result of bad habits.  Implement these five ideas and be amazed at your positive attitude!

 God’s blessings on your life and relationships!

Dr. Randy Schroeder wrote the three-time national award-winning marriage book, Simple Habits for Marital Happiness:  Practical Skills and Tools That Build a Strong Satisfying Relationship.

He also wrote the 2021 parenting book, Simple Habits for Effective Parenting:  Specific Skills and Tools That Achieve Extraordinary Results in Raising a Child. Please watch his Focus on the Family Parenting interview at 

For more than four decades through his writing, speaking, counseling, and teaching, Dr. Schroeder has thoroughly enjoyed enhancing individual lives, enriching couple relationships, and educating parents with practical specific words, behaviors, and commonsense wisdom.



Last Tuesday, I had the privilege of being on PERRY and SHAWNA MORNINGS, Moody Radio Grand Rapids.  The three of us talk about leading, not controlling a child; how to win a child’s heart; setting a child up to know Jesus; how unconditional love builds a relationship; and much more. 

Please click the following link to listen:

I wrote the 2021 parenting book, Simple Habits for Effective Parenting, endorsed by Josh McDowell, author of over 150 Christian books, and Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family.  Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is a comprehensive guidebook and the only parenting resource that provides detailed guidance in the seven key aspects of parenting. 

 I also wrote the 2020 three-time national award-winning marriage book, Simple Habits for Marital Happiness.  This complete marriage manual is the only resource that provides specific effective words, behaviors, and knowledge in the seven main areas of marriage

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting and the three-time national award-winning Simple Habits for Marital Happiness are available at Amazon or at

 For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of parents and spouses about the simple, yet very effective habits, that are essential for healthy relationships.


The most underrated and least talked about parenting essential is family mealtimes at the table. In my opinion, parent-child mealtimes together are probably one of the most significant influential parenting habits because eating together makes a tremendous impact on a child in so many ways.  Please realize mealtimes are for enjoyment, modeling manners, at times lovingly encouraging eating etiquette, and not continually correcting your child.

When a child is struggling behaviorally or academically, I have found most of the time meals are not eaten together as a family. I hear reports that each family member eats nearly every meal in a different part of the house--bedroom, living room in front of the television, the basement, BUT not together.

When family members start eating together and applying the following 10 goals, I have amazingly witnessed positive family life improvement as well as a child’s behavior becoming more responsible.

This is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Simple Habits for Effective Parenting:  Specific Skills and Tools That Achieve Extraordinary Results in Raising a Child.  This comprehensive guidebook is the only resource that covers all seven key areas of parenting for leading and guiding a child to be a responsible, motivated, and confident individual. 

This past July I joined Jim Daly, President, and John Fuller, VP, for an interview on a national broadcast of Focus on the Family to discuss Effective Parenting.  This interview may be watched on YouTube at Please also share this Focus on the Family interview with family and friends. 

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting and the three-time national award-winning Simple Habits for Marital Happiness are available at Amazon or at

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of parents and spouses about the simple yet effective habits that are essential for healthy relationships.



A healthy parent-child relationship is built through nurture, laughter, memories, respect, and when necessary, corrective discipline.  Through a strong relationship, an effective parent communicates through words and actions a deep desire for child to develop positive qualities and Godly character to help a child make wise choices throughout their entire life. 

An excellent goal for every parent is to daily praise either a positive attribute within a child or a specific action a child did that was meaningful.  Always use the words, “I appreciate . . .”  Praise creates positive energy within a child!

I had the privilege of joining Jim Daly, President, and John Fuller, VP, for an interview on a national broadcast of Focus on the Family to discuss Effective Parenting.  The interview may be watched at or on YouTube.  Please also share the Effective Parenting interview with family and friends. 

Simple Habits for Marital Happiness is a three-time national award-winning marriage book that will absolutely improve and strengthen every couple.  Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is the only resource that covers all seven areas of parenting for leading and guiding a child to be a responsible, motivated, and confident individual. 

Both Marital Happiness and Effective Parenting are available at Amazon or at

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of parents and spouses about the simple yet effective habits that are essential for healthy relationships.

FOCUS ON THE FAMILY Parenting Interview!!!

Today, I have the privilege of joining Jim Daly and John Fuller on Focus on the Family to discuss Simple Habits for Effective Parenting.  The broadcast is on over 2,000 radio stations with more than 6 million weekly listeners.  If you are unable to listen on the radio or watch today, you can go to to view the interview at your convenience as I share simple yet effective habits to help parents and other achieve extraordinary results in raising a child!

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting offers solutions to typical parenting challenges and teaches everything a parent needs to be confident, competent, and nurturing!  Happy, confident children determined to reach their full potential with self-motivation, good decision-making skills, a positive attitude, and resilience are raised by parents who practice simple yet effective habits daily. 

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting and my three-time national award-winning Christian marriage book, Simple Habits for Marital Happiness are both available on Amazon or at

For more than four decades through my writing, counseling, teaching, and speaking, I have enjoyed enhancing individual lives, enriching couple relationships, and educating parents with commonsense wisdom and life skills.

For more information, please visit or send me an email at