Every Wednesday I will post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on marriage, parenting, or life. The “3Ts” of Marriage: Time, Talking, and Touching
Very simply, without regular “Time Together,” “Talking Together,” and “Touching Together,” it may be very difficult to enjoy complete marital satisfaction. One way to enhance a marriage is to focus on consistently incorporating the “3Ts” in a relationship. All “3Ts” need to be present daily NOT just weekly. Healthy couples set a goal to make the “3Ts” part of their daily marital routine.
However, due to different work schedules, I realize that all “3Ts” may not be possible for every couple. Nonetheless, every day evaluate: 1) How much Time you spend with your spouse?; 2) The quantity and quality of your face-to-face Talking; and 3) How many times you physically Touch each other from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed? I think you will be amazed how a daily assessment will help overcome the “Disease of Complacency.”
TODAY: Or one day this week, sit “touching” on the sofa and spend “time” “talking” with your spouse about how to integrate the “3Ts” on a daily basis.
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