
How To Choose a Spouse Wisely!

Hello Christian Friend,


What qualities do you possess, and if you marry one day, do you want your future spouse to possess? Have you written down those positive attributes that you desire in a potential future spouse? What deal breakers or red flags should send you running in the opposite direction? Have you put those red flags on paper for an accurate picture of what to avoid?


The statement that “both spouses contribute to marital heartache and unhappiness” is a total myth! Instead, please remember “it takes 2 to make it and 1 to break it” which means 2 healthy spouses create marital satisfaction, but it only takes one unhealthy spouse to produce a broken, unhappy relationship. 


Shown below is a link to my YouTube video, How To Choose a Spouse Wisely! Sadly, 99% of individuals don’t have the knowledge that I will share with you in this video but now you will be part of the 1% with the knowledge to choose a spouse wisely.



In this video, I explain the 3 absolutely essential assessment activities for Choosing a Spouse Wisely! The 3 important written activities are:


1. Write down at least 15 positive qualities you desire in a future spouse.


2. Write down a minimum of 5 red flags or deal breakers that you must avoid in a future spouse.


3. Make a written list of your Top 10 Expectations for a consistently satisfying marriage.


Through these 3 assessment activities, you can, and you will Choose a Spouse Wisely!


I am a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling for nearly 25 years at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. I taught Premarital Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Ministry to the Sick & Dying, and more.


For over four decades, I have spoken to and counseled thousands of individuals, spouses, and parents about the simple, yet very effective habits, that are essential for a fulfilling life and rewarding relationships.


I invite you to explore my YouTube channel, Dr. Randy Schroeder where I have nearly 50 beneficial videos on marriage, parenting, and help with a fulfilling life. I post a video every week to make a significant positive difference in your life and relationships.


WILL YOU PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, share with others, and comment on what other topics would help enhance your life and relationships! Knowing what is most important to you helps to open my eyes to new topics for future YouTube Videos.


Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and Simple Habits for Effective Parenting are available on Amazon and CrossLinkPublishing.com


God’s richest blessings on your life and relationships throughout 2022!


Randy Schroeder, Ph.D., M.Div., M.Ed.

Schroeder Counseling & Consulting, Inc.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church

4850 East Main Street

Carmel, IN 46033






7 Ways To Find A Healthy Spouse

One of the most important decisions a person will make in life is selecting a future spouse.  Unfortunately, numerous spouses just choose the wrong partner and the result is divorce.  I estimate that 80% to 85% of the time a divorce happens because one spouse is deeply flawed and demonstrates extreme unhealthy thinking and/or behaviors. 

No matter your age, if you are single, shown below are 7 ways to find that healthy spouse.

1.  Write down 15 qualities that you are seeking in a wholesome partner.

2.  Write down 5 intolerable flaws or deal breakers that you absolutely want to avoid in a future spouse.

3.  Avoid dating a person who needs “fixing.” “Fixes” rarely happen after the wedding day.

4.  Only date potential marriage partners. 

5.  Have your eyes wide open while dating, and then half closed after the wedding ceremony. 

6.  Date for at least 12 months or the four seasons so you fully know your potential spouse before getting engaged. 

7.  Recognize the flaws your future spouse possesses before marriage, will be to a greater degree after the wedding day. 

 This Week:  Write down 15 qualities and 5 intolerable flaws so you have your list when you begin the dating process.    

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