Practical Wisdom For M...

Marital Accountability Check-ups

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. I always suggest to couples that they have recurring Marital Accountability Check-ups.  A regular open, honest marital check-up is probably one of the most important things you can do for your relationship.

It can also be beneficial to have the check-up with a competent marriage counselor.  However if that is not your choice, I have listed a few questions below to help you just get started with your Marital Accountability Check-up.  I am sure you will have other “How” and “What” questions for each other.

Discuss together:

  1. What 3 things do you enjoy the most about me as your spouse?
  2. What were our 3 best times together in the last year?
  3. Verbally, how can I better prove my love to you?
  4. Physically, how can I better prove my love to you?
  5. Over the next year, what annoyance should I stop or modify?
  6. What would be a small improvement in our sexual intimacy for you?
  7. What goals do you have for our marriage in the next year?

TODAY:  Schedule two different days and times where you can spend at least 30 minutes having a Marital Accountability Check-up. 

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Every Spouse Has Numerous Choices!

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life.  Unfortunately, in marriage counseling I have heard thousands of disappointing comments like:  “I simply forget to regularly give meaningful hugs and kisses”; “I just can’t ever forgive”; “When I am upset I have to yell”; “Right now, I just don’t have time for our marriage”; “I know our marriage would benefit but I won’t do _____.” All of those sad comments are both excuses and choices.

Many things in both life and a marriage are beyond one’s control.  However, what is definitely within our control are our personal choices!  We can absolutely choose what we do and say in order to make a difference in the lives of others as well as all our relationships.

Choices build up or tear down a marriage.  Hence, a marriage can be changed and improved simply by making healthy choices, not excuses! And when both spouses strive to make positive choices, then a happy, satisfying marriage is usually the outcome.

TODAY:  Make positive, encouraging choices with your spouse (if married), family members, and friends.

#marriage  #happymarriage #relationships

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Time Means Everything!  

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. A wonderful synonym for LOVE IS TIME!  You can determine what you love in life by how you spend your time.  Are we spending most of our time on hobbies, television, work, video games, projects, technology, etc.?

Great marriages, happy families, and responsible children are the result of planned time together in so many ways.  Leisure time, mealtimes, laughing time, working time, one-on-one time, prayer time, enrichment time, faith time, life-long education time, relaxing time are all essential for a satisfying life and rewarding relationships.

We absolutely cannot let our lives and our time happen by chance!  Consciously planning and scheduling our personal time and relationship time makes the critical difference!

TODAY:  Plan your personal and relationship time to have a meaningful life and close connections with spouse, children, family, and friends!

 #marriagehelp #parenthelp #marriagetip

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Avoid Double Standards

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. One absolutely essential goal for every relationship is to Avoid Double Standards.  In marriage, there can be double standards with meeting each other’s needs, spending habits, household roles, time with family, etc.  In society, there are double standards with certain laws, in the media, with valuing and respecting others, etc.

The objective for overcoming double standards is Mutual Reciprocity.  Meaning, if you were to reverse roles, both parties would be content and happy because equality reigns supreme. 

Another way to overcome double standards is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and assess how you would feel.  If you would be happy then there is probably no double standard and mutual reciprocity exists in that aspect of the relationship.

TODAY:  Assess if there are any Double Standards in your significant relationships.  Then, determine if you are the one who needs to make the appropriate improvements in order to create a fair, equal, and balanced relationship. 

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How To Find The Right Marriage Partner

I posted a YouTube video, "How To Find The Right Marriage Partner." My YouTube channel is "Pastor Dr Randy."  Will you please both subscribe to my YouTube Channel and share my videos on Facebook?  I really appreciate your help and kindness! Description of Video:  "One of the most important decisions that a person will make is selecting a marriage partner.  Hence, it is absolutely essential to make an intelligent decision, not an emotional one.  Gain insights into being objective when choosing a spouse for life."

Be “Intelligent” and Respect Others’ Opinions  

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. My definition of an “intelligent” individual is someone who attempts to understand an opposing opinion without being disrespectful. Definitely, a healthy, “intelligent” individual believesdisagreeing is fine, but disrespecting is NEVER okay.” 

Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself” and that is truly best demonstrated when we respect a differing perspective without being antagonistic.  Hence, we are always free to disagree but never free to disrespect others. 

One common denominator for all satisfying, happy relationships is MUTUAL RESPECT.  Gratifying marriages almost always have two “intelligent” spouses!

TODAY:  Be “Intelligent” by always being respectful and kindly seeking to understand anyone who may disagree with your values or has an alternate viewpoint.   

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Edify Your Relationships By Listening Well

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. Listening is the most important communication skill!  The cliché’ is true, “Talking is sharing BUT listening is caring.”  When we listen closely to another person, our eyes and body language convey that we respect, care, and value that person so much we really want to hear and understand what they are saying.   

However, to listen well takes time and effort.  We need to set aside all distractions—cell phone, computer, tablet, television, etc. 

Definitely, you help others feel important and special when you listen well by giving them your undivided attention with excellent eye contact. 

TODAY:  Ask your spouse, a family member, or a friend how you can improve at being a better listener. 

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Healthy Marital Communication  

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. Giving positive praise and sharing disappointing hurts are key components of healthy marital communication. Just as important for a satisfying marriage are both spouses being able to receive that information in a healthy way.

After receiving praise, a simple “Thank You” or “You Are Welcome” builds self-worth in a spouse as well as strengthens politeness within the relationship. When a disappointing hurt is shared it is equally important to not be overly sensitive and get defensive. 

A major enemy for a gratifying, happy marriage is receiving a disappointing hurt as an attack rather than just information.  Far too often I have counseled couples where the chief stumbling block to happiness was one spouse who regularly over reacted when a disappointment was shared.

TODAY:  If your spouse shares a disappointing hurt, seek to understand the hurt and then together search for a solution that will either heal the hurt or improve that aspect of your marital relationship.

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Have A Politeness Month!

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life.  Ask yourself an important question:  “On a daily basis, how often do I use ‘Please,’ ‘Thank you,’ and ‘I appreciate’? Hopefully, your answer is frequently.  However, I believe that we too easily forget to go overboard on politeness with family and friends.

One way to recharge our relationships and even our attitude is by going overboard on politeness every day.  Daily using those three politeness phrases can create an “Attitude of Gratitude” in our hearts as well as enhance our relationships.

TODAY:  Begin the Politeness Monthly Challenge for June.  Set a daily goal to use one of those three politeness phrases with family members or friends.  In addition, set a daily goal to use a politeness phrase with an acquaintance or even stranger at the gas station, grocery store, etc. 

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