Practical Wisdom For M...

Have Honest, Beautiful Communication

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. Sadly, I have frequently had a spouse tell me, “I just want to be totally open with all my thoughts and feelings.”   However, totally open communication can often be brutally blunt which devalues a spouse and damages a marriage.  For example, telling one’s spouse “that actress is stunningly beautiful” or “that actor is really handsome” is not only insensitive but vicious and almost heartless.

The opposite of brutally blunt is honest, beautiful communication, that is, lovingly sharing thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes, wants, needs, with a sincere desire to strengthen a marital relationship. Our ultimate goal with family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, and everyone, is to have Honest, Beautiful  Communication.

TODAY:  Let’s avoid being brutally blunt and make it our goal to have Honest, Beautiful Communication with everyone we speak with throughout this day and every day. 

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Use Together Language

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. God’s desire for marriage is for couples to strengthen their “oneness” (Genesis 2:24) or “togetherness.”  Usually, when I first counsel a troubled marriage, spouses refer to their possessions and relationships with “single” language. Some examples are:  "my" marriage, “my” house, “my” money, “my” room, “my” son or daughter, etc.

Once couples learn simple behaviors and words for increasing their “one flesh” union, “together” language starts to become more prevalent.  After marital improvement, I hear “we” are saving more, “our” cars, “our” child, “we” are planning for a happier relationship, "our" marriage.  My Christian marriage book that is coming soon will practically and specifically provide spouses with the “tools” for reinforcing a couple’s “oneness.”

TODAY:  Please remember to use only “together” language to boost marital commitment and strengthen your “oneness.”

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Dream Together For A Happy Marriage

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. I absolutely believe that happy couples “Dream Together” about short term, intermediate, and long term aspirations and wishes.  Recently, I counseled with a couple that six months ago had a really troubled marriage, and thankfully now, both spouses are not only satisfied but very pleased with their “new” relationship.  During one of their first sessions, I suggested that to renew their marital commitment and bring joy back to their relationship, start planning for future good-times together.

They implemented that simple habit and together regularly plan for a gratifying marriage by talking about ideas for their next date, wishes for their next mini-vacation, and ambitious visions for their five year anniversary celebrations.  They incorporated “Dreaming Together” as a new simple habit but also are utilizing many other simple habits from my marriage book.

TODAY:  “Dream Together” about short term, intermediate, and long term hopes and dreams to both strengthen your connection and increase your emotional oneness.

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STAR 88.3 Radio Marriage Interview

Last Wednesday I had the privilege of being interviewed by Melissa Montana of Christian Radio Station STAR 88.3 regarding Christian marriage.  Shown below is the link to my interview.

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On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life.

Is Your Spouse a Number One Priority?

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. Certainly, God is top priority but when married a spouse is second.  Successful businesses know their number one priority and that compelling goal provides clear direction for the entire company. Likewise, in a happy, satisfying marriage, both spouses understand the importance of working hard to make each other a Number One Priority.

Strive to keep balance in life and relationships but recognize that a gratifying marriage is a “work” of love with healthy priorities.  Don’t let your marriage deteriorate toward brokenness and unhappiness by forgetting to make your spouse a priority.

An important need for all of us is to feel valued.  So reaffirm your marital vows and commit to valuing your spouse by making them a Number One Priority.  Help your spouse feel cherished and respected through compliments, initiating physical touch, listening attentively, having sexual intimacy often, being cooperative with decisions, keeping balance with household roles, jointly planning for financial harmony, allowing for personal recharge time, etc.

TODAY:  Ask your spouse, “What can I do or say to make you feel more like a priority?”  (July 12, 2017)

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Take The 7-Day Affection Challenge

On Wednesdays I will post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. Definitely, physical touch benefits our physical and emotional well-being, but just as important, affection helps a couple’s marital well-being.  For every satisfying marriage, affection has always been one of the absolutely essential aspects of the relationship.  By initiating daily affection, both spouses reaffirm their commitment to never take each other or the marriage for granted.

Every healthy spouse knows the importance of touch!  Frequent, consistent, meaningful touch demonstrates care and value for a mate and without even speaking one word is a way of saying, “I love you.”  Affection augments a marriage in so many ways, increasing the likelihood of a strong emotional connection and a gratifying relationship.  With your spouse, hold hands, give a peck on the cheek, rub their back, lovingly squeeze an arm, caress their head, give a lengthy hug, etc.

TODAY:  Begin the 7-Day Affection Challenge by personally initiating non-sexual touch multiple times per day for one week. (June 14, 2017)

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Build An Indestructible Marriage

I recently wrote an article, "Build An Indestructible Marriage," for the June 2017 issue of The Fort Wayne Lutheran newspaper.  Please go to to find the article on page 11.  The article is also shown below. Everyone who gets married wants that marriage to be satisfying and rewarding, and couples embark on this journey with hopes for lifelong happiness.  Furthermore, God said, “The two will become one,” and God never intended for that oneness to be broken.

Not only do as many as 50% of marriages end in divorce, I also believe that a majority of Christian couples live in unhappy marriages. But marriage doesn’t have to turn into a daily grind of hurts and slights. On the contrary, a Christian marriage can be a blessing that brings out the best in you—and your spouse—each day.  

A desire for a satisfying relationship is what propels a Christian marriage in a positive direction. However, the desire alone is not enough. A healthy, happy marriage is built—or a marriage in trouble crumbles—day by day through the specific, small actions that show love or disdain for a spouse.

Whether it is positive or negative habits, both significantly impact your marital satisfaction.  There’s a simple reason for many marital problems, most Christian spouses do not have the practical knowledge and simple tools needed to build a satisfying marriage.  No one ever taught them how, and they may not have had good role models in their own household growing up.  Many Christian relationships suffer needlessly because spouses simply do not possess the sound Proverbial wisdom and simple skills for achieving the goal of a happy marriage.

The good news is that anyone can learn to develop the habits that create a gratifying marriage!  Proverbs 4:5 speaks to every spouse seeking a satisfying Christian marriage, “Get skillful and Godly Wisdom, get understanding” (AMPLIFIED).  The Bible encourages, “correct your habits and change your actions for the better” (Jeremiah 18:11 AMPLIFIED).  The central theme for happy couples can be summarized in three words—HEALTHY, GODLY HABITS!  When two spouses learn how to demonstrate Godly words and actions on a daily basis, marital bliss becomes a reality!

Understand that when a spouse develops healthy Godly habits, they are saying strongly and loudly, “I care about you!”  Serving God and serving others, including your spouse, are actions viewed as a privilege not an obligation because of the love of Christ.  Changing lifelong unhealthy habits requires tremendous effort, so be patient with yourself as you strive for improvement in your Christian life and marriage.

I have written a Christian marriage book, and with the help of my literary agent, I am seeking a Christian publisher.  Like the wisdom from Proverbs, my book will provide workable solutions to common marital problems and teach skills spouses need to maintain a healthy, happy Christian marriage. For some practical wisdom skills and logical ideas, please check my website,, where I share Practical Wisdom for marriage, parents, and life under “Categories.” On Wednesdays, I post a blog on practical wisdom in one of those three areas that is also posted on my Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts. Simple, Godly habits manifested on a daily basis can make a profound positive difference in our lives and relationships.

Dr. Randy Schroeder is a former professor of Pastoral Counseling at Concordia Theological Seminary, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and now has a private counseling practice at Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Carmel, Indiana.   




Judge But Never Be Judgmental

On Wednesdays I will post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. Judging is an important skill for a healthy life and marriage.  Judging is assessing or evaluating a situation, ourselves, or an important relationship for the sake of improvement.  However, being judgmental is not healthy because the intention is rooted in malice, resulting in arrogance or a pompous spirit just for the sake of feeling superior over someone else.

Hence, it is healthy to regularly judge our personal words and behaviors.  Likewise, in a marriage, a partner may at times assess a spouse or relationship if the goal for that evaluation is improvement.

For example, if a spouse is an alcoholic or has explosive anger, evaluating the situation may correct that unhealthy behavior.  Unfortunately, an alcoholic or raging spouse will often defend themselves by telling their partner, “You are being judgmental.”  However, such an appraisal is not being “judgmental” but instead only an assessment of those unhealthy behaviors with a genuine motive for improvement.

TODAY:  Let’s assess our personal actions, and if married, evaluate our relationship in order to recognize aspects that may need growth and development.  (May 17, 2017)

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Intimacy Leads To Oneness

On Wednesdays I will post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. In the Bible, God said “The two will become one.”  The “oneness” or intimacy goal is an essential ongoing process, never a destination.  In healthy marriages, the intimacy feeling regularly happens in a variety of ways:  emotionally, socially, sexually, recreationally, intellectually, physically through touch, sharing of one’s faith, etc. Unfortunately, for struggling couples the “oneness” is usually missing in more than one area of the relationship.

My future Marriage Book describes how to enhance the intimacy in all facets of a marriage.  For now, please evaluate the following intimacy aspects: Understanding and listening closely to your spouse; talking about your faith; enjoying time with other couples; having regular sexual intimacy; doing fun things together; and discussing meaningful topics.

TODAY:  Identify the number one area where you need to improve in order to enhance the “oneness” or intimacy within your marriage and then share that goal with your spouse so you can work together.

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Couples Need A Marriage That Grows

Every Wednesday I will post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on marriage, parenting, or life. Steve Perry’s song, “Foolish Heart,” begins with the words, “I need a love that grows.”  Likewise, the positive mantra that happy and rewarding couples live by is, “We need a marriage that grows.”

Boredom and monotony can easily jeopardize the future health of every marriage.  Daily, your marriage connection is either constructively increasing or destructively dwindling toward failure.  Work hard and make your marriage a labor of love.  Be open and willing to express regularly the needs and wants you desire for more improvement in your relationship.

TODAY:  Although there are many aspects to every marriage, identify your most important need in one specific area to enhance your relationship.  Perhaps share your goal with the “I” statement, “I wish we could begin strengthening our marriage by . . . . .” (April 19, 2017)

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